Sometimes I need to break up my routine a bit.
I usually do this through traveling, more specifically wandering.
Wandering creates a sense of possibility – anything can happen. I know some people really need to know where they’re going to sleep at night.
Not me. (At least not usually.)
After too much time at home, I crave the unknown. I crave not knowing what’s going to happen next or who I’ll meet. It’s one reason why hitchhiking is such a joy for me.
But life here on the farm is overfull, so I settled for three nights on the road in a vehicle I could comfortably sleep in.
On most of my car trips I’m craving solitude and Wilderness. Not this time. Instead I spent time in coastal towns and cities.
The photo above is of a crabbing vessel docked at the bay front in Newport. I’d only ever hitchhiked through Newport before – this was my first time spending any time in the city.
The harbor was full of crabbing vessels, as a big storm was slated to hit today. Most had done really, really well. The crabbers themselves were a friendly lot and a few stopped to talk after the end of a long few days out on the water.
The bay front is an interesting mixture of tourists and workers. The tourists, as a rule, weren’t very friendly. The working folks – many of them were great. (More on this later.)
For those interested in photography, this image was shot in HDR using five different exposures (I probably only needed three).